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Katie Pavlcih endorsement

“Chief Deputy Matthew Thomas has one hell of a story to tell about his life and work. Lucky for us, he’s taking us along for the ride.” — Katie Pavlich - NY Times Best Selling Author: Fast and Furious, Fox News Contributor, Editor

Katie Pavlich

Sheriff Lamb endorsement

"Matt's experience and knowledge is a big reason he is my Executive Officer. This is a must read if you want to know the truth in our battle against the cartels here in Pinal county" — Sheriff Mark Lamb, The American Sheriff, Pinal County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Mark Lamb 

The American Sheriff

Jason Picollo endorsement

“The border is bloody and deadly.  To understand what is going on, you need the groundtruth; you need insight from those that work this deadly area day in and day out.  Matt Thomas lived these stories.  Thomas weaves a story of the border reality as nobody else can.  From the eyes of a career law enforcer, Thomas gives the reader a glimpse into the world only seen by a sparse few. Thomas has the groundtruth.” - Dr.Jason Piccolo, former DHS Supervisor and Special Agent, host of The Protectors Podcast TM

Dr. Jason Piccolo

Ron Coburn endorsement

"Matt Thomas is the quintessential "operator," and I've enjoyed observing him as a great leader.  "Interceptors" is the real thing, and so is Matt.  He nails it.  Been there, done that, and now I can buy the "T-shirt;" too!  It's a great read!" - Ron Colburn, National Deputy Chief (Retired), U.S. Border Patrol Former Director for Law Enforcement, EOP, The White House

BORTAC Class #1  

Ron Colburn

Contact Matthew

Matt has been a speaker or taught for events from police conferences, to corporate events, and everything in between. Speaking on leadership, organizational culture, and operational efficiency. Additional speaking on high risk operational planning, specialty unit supervision/leadership, and high functioning leadership in adverse environments

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